What’s Your Why?
Whether you want to identify gaps, spark change, or develop a holistic approach to being the change you wish to see, you must first identify your WHY.
Your why may be to transform company culture, increase safety, or gain the skills to become a community leader. We’ll help you discover your why—the drive behind your goal setting—and customize an action plan for you to reach these objectives.

Organizational Programs
When it comes to professional development, our mission is to provide a positive and impactful experience. We offer transformative and cutting-edge workshops, trainings, keynotes, and consulting packages. Below are some of our signature programs for educators—all of which are taught by veteran professionals.

Signature Programming
The following are signature training programs offered by the National Center for Equity and Agency. Each program is offered as either a half- or full-day workshop. Programs can also be modified into keynote addresses.
Our training programs are customized, interactive, and strategically designed to be research-informed and action-oriented. The below listings are only a sampling of what we offer—contact us with inquiries about additional offerings.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Series
What are the differences between diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)? How does the movement’s history impact these conversations today, and how can DEI be applied in everything from company conversations to hiring procedures?

In this workshop series, we work through research-informed best practices, understanding common myths, and exploring our personal and professional relationship to the topic. Participants will obtain a better understanding of privilege, marginalization, inequality, and microaggressions, as well as acquire the tools and skills to navigate how diversity, equity, and inclusion can be applied within their fields.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Series Topics
Our firm takes a holistic approach to exploring diversity, equity, and inclusion. We offer software, survey design, analysis, and numerous training topics that can be used separately or together. Some of these topics include:

Diversity & Inclusion 101
Creating LGBTQ Inclusive Workplaces
Trauma-Informed Care in the Workplace
Hiring and Retention for Inclusivity
Beyond Tolerance and Diversity: Inclusion in Action
Overcoming Resistance to DEI Initiatives
Soft Skills for Cultural Humility

Evolving From #MeToo: Sexual Harassment Prevention in the Workplace
In this workshop, leaders explore various approaches for prevention and response in cases of sexual harassment. We will discuss effective prevention, liability awareness, and impactful tools for addressing incidents. With more informative and proactive planning, the less reactive and vulnerable an organization is to liability.

By discussing the history, cultural context, and cost of sexual harassment, organizational leaders can be on the front end of impactful organizational cultural change. By the end of this session, participants will be able to identify and explain what sexual harassment entails. They will be able to describe tools for prevention and response that are research-informed and action-oriented.

Soft Skills 101: From Emotional Intelligence to Strength-Based Leadership
Soft skills are some of the most sought-after skill sets in the workforce today, yet few opportunities to understand the theories and best practices for emotional intelligence are available. In this workshop, we will explore how to identify, obtain, and utilize emotional intelligence. Understanding your emotional quota, personality types, the locus of control, and interpersonal knowledge leads to an overall increase in productivity and retention. We will also incorporate how strength-based leadership and mindfulness can benefit those working on the micro, mezzo, and macro levels of an organization.

Resolving Conflict: Effective Mediation and Internal Investigations
If you avoid arguments, lie to keep the peace, or believe that hiding behind your desk is the best way to deal with conflict, then this workshop is for you. As leaders, we cannot avoid conflict altogether—it is a natural part of life and business. By tackling hard conversations and transforming them with tools such as mediation and compassion, you can go from conflict-avoidant to conflict-competent. This workshop will show you how to use conflict for good, tools for effective mediation, and how to have confidence in using disagreements to strengthen your team.

Trauma-Informed Care in Action: Beyond Trauma 101
So, you’ve taken trauma-informed care (TIC) basics
courses but still feel stuck on what to do next?
What does TIC look like in daily life? How and
when do you use it? In this three-part series, we
explore “Beyond the 101” information, diving
deeper into the numerous theories on trauma and
how to bring TIC practices into your personal and
professional life. Participants leave with skills
that focus on understanding the neurology of
trauma, types of trauma, ACE scores, Spoon Theory,
how to communicate in a TIC way, and personal
reflection for ongoing growth and praxis. Also
available as a certification.
Also Available as a Certification