What's Your Why?
Whether you want to identify gaps, spark change, or develop a holistic approach to being the change you wish to see, you must first identify your WHY.
Your why may be to transform company culture, increase safety, or gain the skills to lead transformative conversations on base. We’ll help you discover your why—the drive behind your goal setting—and customize an action plan for you to reach these objectives.

Military Professional Development Programs
When it comes to professional development, our mission is to provide a positive and impactful experience for your command. We offer transformative and cutting-edge workshops, trainings, keynotes, and consulting packages. Below are some of our signature programs for organizational leadership, development, and compliance.
Every training is modified and customized to your unique needs and audience and can be delivered online or onsite.

Signature Programming
The following are signature training programs offered by the National Center for Equity and Agency. Each program is offered as either a half- or full-day workshop. Programs can also be modified into keynote addresses.
Our training programs are customized, interactive, and strategically designed to be research-informed and action-oriented. The below listings are only a sampling of what we offer—contact us with inquiries about additional offerings.

Trauma-Informed Care
One of our most sought-after courses, this program looks at the foundational pieces of trauma-informed care. This class explores trauma-focused language and holistic practices to educate military professionals on how to best utilize these techniques for their command.

The Untouchables: Working with Offenders
This workshop will address the complexity of SAPR’s evolution since the #MeToo movement and explores where the future of prevention education has yet to go. This workshop will focus on how to provide restorative practices for offenders and the myriad of ways that restorative justice amplifies victims’ voices.

Creating Consent Cultures: 4 Conversations We Aren’t Having but Must
This workshop aims to move beyond the identified problems of sexual assault and seek sustainable solutions. Participants will learn about consent culture in action, describe cross-cultural perspectives on consent, and define the meaning of restorative justice for sexual offenders.

Evolving from #MeToo: Sexual Harassment Prevention in the Workplace
This presentation looks at a variety of approaches, including executive coaching, for preventing and remediating in cases of sexual harassment. We will discuss effective prevention, liability awareness, and impactful tools for addressing incidents. We believe that the more informative and proactive the planning, the less reactive and vulnerable the organization. By the end of this program, participants will be able to identify and explain what sexual harassment is and is not, and they will be able to describe tools for prevention and responses that are informed by research.

Now What? Life After Trauma and Gently Healing from Within
This class is for survivors looking to understand their trauma, identify their unique pathway to healing, and find actionable exercises to work toward a place of hope and restoration from within. This class explores beyond the immediate services available and responses to sexual assault and offers a longitudinal pathway to healing and recovery.

Exodus through education: My Survivor Story
In this course, NCEA founder Dr. Laura McGuire combines her expertise with first-hand accounts to deliver an educational seminar that empowers service members to explore the intersections of their roles as service members and identities beyond their active duty lives.

Not Just a Women’s Issue: Engaging Men
Despite the growing awareness of sexual violence, many still think of this as an issue that only impacts women. Men often feel portrayed as potential perpetrators, and male victims are often erased. In this workshop, we discuss how to create gender-inclusive and gender-responsive discussions, inclusion of male and non-binary victims, and why it’s so vital to approach solutions to interpersonal violence through a gender-expansive lens.

Queering Victim Advocacy
Survivors do not fit into a box; their identities and experiences greatly impact their ability to access resources and receive support from SAPR services. The LGBTQ community has a long history of being further marginalized and traumatized when reporting abuse. In this presentation, we will explore how LGBTQ communities experience sexual and domestic violence, the unique barriers they face in getting resources, and how to build personal and organizational practices that build bridges for LGBTQ survivors.

Trauma-Informed Care In Action: Beyond Trauma 101
So, you’ve taken trauma-informed care (TIC) basics courses but still feel stuck on what to do next? What does TIC look like in daily life? How and when do you use it? In this three-part series, we explore “Beyond the 101” information, diving deeper into the numerous theories on trauma and how to bring TIC practices into your personal and professional life. Participants leave with skills that focus on understanding the neurology of trauma, types of trauma, ACE scores, Spoon Theory, how to communicate in a TIC way, and personal reflection for ongoing growth and praxis.

Preaching Past the Choir: Overcoming Resistance to SAPR & Diversity Initiatives
While diversity and SAPR initiatives are taking center stage, there is a flipside to these advances—pushback from adversarial sources. Why do some people seem to feel defensive or dismissive about such important conversations? How do we bring those who feel resistant along on the inclusion journey? By understanding the psychology of resistance and finding tools for building bridges, we can create inroads for long-term and lasting change.

ask me anything
This workshop brings fun and ease—with the backing of subject matter expertise—to the trickiest of topics. With both confidential question submission and open dialogue, this session provides service members with a free and safe space to talk about the things they wish they knew from a trauma-informed and culturally humble lens.