What’s Your Why?
Whether you want to identify gaps, spark change, or develop a holistic approach to being the change you wish to see, you must first identify your WHY.
Your why may be to transform company culture, increase safety, or gain the skills to become a community leader. We’ll help you discover your why—the drive behind your goal setting—and customize an action plan for you to reach these objectives.

K–12 Programs
When it comes to professional development, our mission is to provide a positive and impactful experience. We offer transformative and cutting-edge workshops, trainings, keynotes, and consulting packages. Below are some of our signature programs for educators—all of which are taught by veteran professionals.
Every training is then modified and customized to your unique needs and audience and can be delivered online or onsite.

Signature Programming
The following are signature training programs offered by the National Center for Equity and Agency. Each program is offered as either a half- or full-day workshop. Programs can also be modified into keynote addresses.
Our training programs are customized, interactive, and strategically designed to be research-informed and action-oriented. The below listings are only a sampling of what we offer—contact us with inquiries about additional offerings.

Trauma-Informed Care in the Classroom
One of our most sought-after courses, this workshop looks at the foundational pieces of trauma-informed care. Attendees explore trauma-focused language and holistic practices to educate providers on how to best utilize these techniques within their school community.

Consent and Cultural Humility
In this workshop, we explore consent and prevention education for international students. This course will teach participants the basic principles of cultural humility and use these fundamentals to guide their dialogue with global student bodies around topics such as affirmative consent, domestic violence, and sexual harassment.

Sex Positivity in Prevention Education: From Risk Reduction to Risk Awareness
In this session, our consent and health educators bring a unique and cross-cultural perspective about where consent education has yet to go. Topics in this dialogue include LGBTQ dynamics, kink and BDSM, sex work, and pornography.
Through research-informed frameworks, participants will learn how increasing sexual agency and subjectivity are the best tools for creating rape-free cultures. This workshop will explore sex-positive and sex-negative beliefs and how to identify ways to build sex-positive prevention conversations, as well as how this can decrease sexual and domestic violence.

Creating Consent Cultures: 4 Conversations We Aren’t Having but Must
This workshop aims to move beyond the identified problems of sexual assault and seek sustainable solutions. This workshop will educate participants on what consent culture really looks and feels like, cross-cultural perspectives on consent, historical trauma, and the meaning of restorative justice in interpersonal violence.

Neurodiversity and Consent Education
For students on the autism spectrum or with other neurodiverse differences, understanding boundaries and affirmative consent can present unique challenges. Many parents and therapists want to avoid discussing sexual health and safety with these students, who actually need it the most. In this workshop, we explore which approaches do and do not work with teaching neurodivergent students and tools to allow them to live safe and happy lives.

My Body Is My Own (Student Focused)
This workshop discusses everything from anatomy/physiology to puberty, communication, attachment theory, and safer sex. We explore cultural and media messages about sex, pleasure, and abuse to empower students to set boundaries that work for them, make empowered decisions, and be effective bystanders.

Exodus Through Education: My Survivor Story
In this course, NCEA founder Dr. Laura McGuire combines her expertise with first-hand accounts to deliver an educational seminar that empowers students to see beyond their limitations. Dr. McGuire shares how, as a first-generation college student and survivor of domestic violence, they went from a GED to EdD in 4.5 years. This vulnerable and empowering narrative is unlike anything you’ve heard before.

The Untouchables: Restorative Justice in Misconduct Cases
It is vital for Student Affairs professionals to understand the best avenues to address the complexity of responding to misconduct, including Title IX sexual misconduct, from a restorative standpoint. Attendees will explore where the future of prevention education has yet to go and what restorative justice looks like in action. This workshop will focus on how to provide services to students who are causing harm—aiding them in working to grow from and heal holistically in cases of interpersonal harm while maintaining accountability.

Preaching Past the Choir: Building Bridges with Adversaries
In this course, we explore overcoming defensiveness, working through cognitive dissonance, and creating effective paradigm shifts through values education. Upon completion, participants will possess the skills to further productive, educational, and solutions-focused conversations that progress toward maintaining safe campuses and that promote health and wellbeing.

Queering Advocacy
Did you know that LGBTQ students are the most vulnerable population for experiencing sexual violence on campuses today? In this presentation, advocates and educators explore how LGBTQ communities experience sexual and domestic violence, the unique barriers they face in accessing resources, and how to build personal and organizational practices that build bridges for LGBTQ survivors.

For Students: Ask Me Anything
This workshop brings fun and ease—with the backing of subject matter expertise—to the trickiest of topics. With both confidential question submission and open dialogue, this session provides students with a free and safe space to talk about the things they wish they knew from a trauma-informed and culturally humble lens.